Covid-19: Are We Through the Worst?
The Coronavirus has taken its toll on all of us. It’s isolated us and caused a massive panic across the world. Businesses are struggling, the vulnerable are worried, and even the healthiest and younger members of the population have become victims to the pandemic.
However, the restrictions are about to be lowered again as of the 1st June, which poses the question of whether we really are through the worst of things, or whether we’re just through the first wave.
The elderly are particularly vulnerable during this time. A significant percentage of the elderly across the UK are looked after by carers, whether it be domiciliary care (carers visit their patient for a certain amount of hours a day) or live-in carers (those who live in the same household with the patient to be able to take care of them whenever needed, with particularly vulnerabilities at night). Many members of the elderly have been further isolated from seeing their family and friends in order to maintain their health, which our carers have helped with significantly.
Our carers have been a part of the impressive lineup of healthcare workers continuing to hold up the world during this pandemic, and their dedication to caring for one of the vulnerable groups during this time shows their dedication to their profession. This remains as the strength we need to absorb as many other problematic events take place across the world, particularly in the USA.
Our carers bring the courage we need to remember without moving too quickly to remove restrictions, and as the shielding rules for the vulnerable and elderly begin to be decreased. Our heroes are those who care, and they will continue to help us to get through it everyday.